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District 6 Priorities

Community Safety and Support
for Our First Responders

The health, safety and well-being of all our citizens is Andy’s top priority, and he believes nothing unites our community more than our support for our First Responders. We must continue to attract, train and retain the very best First Responders and ensure that they have all the resources necessary to keep our community safe. 

Quality of Life in Our Neighborhoods

Citizens of all neighborhoods are entitled to peace and quiet enjoyment of their homes. In addition to having the very best in Emergency Response, Sandy Springs must enforce its codes and ordinances in regards to new construction and development, as well as egregious neighborhood nuisances, such as illegal and unruly “party houses” and “street racing”.  In addition, the protection of our natural resources (especially tree canopy), is essential to our quality of life and well-being.  

Wise Investments in Infrastructure

Beyond roads and vehicular transportation, we need to prioritize investments in sidewalks, trails and (where possible) bike lanes. We must also continue to invest in our existing – and new – parks and greenspace, and make sure our wonderful amenities are made available and accessible to ALL of our citizens, wherever they live.  Finally, our continued investments in green infrastructure throughout our City will benefit all of us not only now, but for generations to come. 

Prudent Stewardship of Our Tax Dollars

I have consistently supported the City having substantial “rainy day” reserves, as has proven very wise during the recession of late 2007-2009, and during the recent pandemic. We should never need to raise property tax rates to pay for essential services.


Committed to Sandy Springs

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